Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Afternoon Movie

A few days ago I was looking at the Alamo Drafthouse website trying to remember a time when I could go to a movie. Then, I saw that they have baby days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before 2! You can bring your newborn and enjoy a movie and Asa (and Harper and Riley) just so happen to have school on Wednesdays. It was pretty much meant to be. I immediately texted Jen and we decided to see American Sniper this afternoon with the littles. 
I envisioned Norah sleeping soundly in her car seat and enjoying the show- practically forgetting she was even there. That's not exactly how it went down but Norah and Addie weren't terrible either. They both just decided to eat/drink ridiculous amounts of milk and poop a lot. :) It was kind of distracting having a baby at a movie but it was still nice to get to see one!

Before the movie started. She's thinking "I'm going to make sure you regret this decision Mama." Just look at that disapproving and judgy. :)

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