Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Santa at School

M: Asa, did you see Santa at school today?
A: Yes!
M: Did he ask you what you wanted for Christmas?
A: Yes! Presents!
M: Ok, but what kind of presents?
A: Little presents!

Norah's 2 Month... And 3 Month Update

Norah turned two months back on Dec 2nd so I'm a bit behind...
Norah continues to be a really great baby. She's usually most content in the mornings and snoozes them away in her swing or my arms if Asa is otherwise occupied. She's started smiling more (especially in the mornings) and I'll catch her smiling and cooing at her reflection above the swing. She's quite fond of herself- and I don't blame her! Right before her 2 month check up we thought she scratched herself on the bridge of her nose. We didn't mention it to the doctor since we thought it was a scratch. However, turns out baby Norah developed a birthmark. Based on what we've read, it will likely go away over time but I've already grown to love it. :)
Also, at her two month check up, Norah was getting some vaccines and I was comforting (holding her still) her when Asa announced he had to pee. I told him to hang on a second. He said "look Mama, pee pee." I turned around and he had pissed ALL over the floor in the exam room. Like a whole lot of pee. I told the nurse, who was still administering shots to Norah, and she turned to look. Her response "wow." Yup. Good times.

Anyway, here are her 2 month stats:
Height: 22 1/2" (55%)
Weight: 11#1oz (55%)
HC: 14 3/4" (37%)

Then, on January 2nd, Norah was 3 months! She is sooo smiley and has one dimple that melts me. She makes and holds eye contact and just smiles. It makes you feel so loved and trusted. We're getting up about twice a night but still have no trouble getting right back to sleep. She really enjoys her swing and her activity mat. Her cooing is super cute too. She'll coo in response to whatever you say and holds little baby conversations. :)
Norah will not however drink formula! I explained that I wasn't trying to wean her from breast feeding, I'm simply looking for a break every now and then but she's not having it...
Norah also dislikes loud environments which is the complete opposite of baby Asa. She was pretty grumpy at Mimi's house over Christmas and the only explanation is all the people and noise. (On a bright note, she slept sooo well on the trip and even slept through the night a few times). She also dislikes restaurants and most other unfamiliar and loud places. My social life is non existent. Ha ha.
I do love this baby girl!

Notice the birthmark :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Asa's School Pic- Nov 2014

Don't mind my finger...

Decent Pictures???

Apparently, adding a second kid makes it nearly impossible to get a decent picture for Christmas cards. Asa makes weird faces and Norah looks like a deer in headlights- likely because she's questioning my sanity when I allow her crazy 2 year old brother to hold her. Here are a few gems from our practice session. 

The pictures we ended up using are ok, but once printed both kids look like their faces are bruised because they're tinted blue. Super weird but I'm done so we're sending them out. Don't judge.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Asa Conversation

M: Asa, what do you want for lunch?
A: baby oranges!!! [aka cuties]
M: ok, but you need to eat something besides baby oranges
A: [says something unintelligible that starts with a b]
M: bananas?
A: band aids!!!
M: band aids??? We don't eat band aids.
A: yucky?
M: yes. How about a grilled cheese sandwich?
A: yay!!! Grilled cheese!!!

This kid certainly doesn't lack enthusiasm. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

The "Witch Book"

Mimi bought Asa the children's book "Room on the Broom" and brought it with her when she came for Norah's birth. Asa LOVES this book and insists on reading it Every. Single. Night. 

Our nightly conversation since October 4th:
M: which book do you want me to read?
A: the witch book!!!!

Here's to hoping he takes to one of the many books he's getting for Christmas cause Mama is over this one. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Don't tell Santa

Asa got in trouble with Tony tonight for not listening when Tony asked him to stop doing something. Asa walked over to me to let me know he got in trouble. He then added, "Don't tell Santa." Your secret is safe with me little boy. :)

Norah pictures

Asa met Santa!

We made an impromptu trip to the mall the weekend before Thanksgiving and Asa was super excited to meet Santa when we found out he had already arrived.
This was his very first meeting with Santa. (I know- bad mama)!

Thanksgiving 2014

Our Thanksgiving was great! We hosted about 15 of Tony's family members including Grandmas, nieces, his sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins. Dinner was good and so was the company. Norah got to meet several relatives for the first time which is always special. I neglected to take pictures on Thanksgiving day, but I have a few from the weekend.

Norah and her great grandma Ardis.

Grandma Ardis and her 7 youngest great grandkids all 4 and under!

Family picture with Grandma Ardis. Asa is clearly over the photo shoot.

Sweet pictures of Asa outside Grandma Gail's house.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Latest on Asa

Playing Hard

Sleeping sweetly-

It's a cold, November day and Asa decided he wanted to go to the pool so he got himself dressed. He was disappointed when I had to say "not today."

Don't leave a 2 year old unattended with yogurt-

Working hard making special Thanksgiving necklaces for his Grandmas.

My Beautiful Babies

I hope he always looks at her this sweetly-

New Norah Pics

Saturday, November 15, 2014

It's 18 degrees outside and...

Asa thinks he's ready to go play outside.

In his defense, he did grab his coat as well.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Some sweet pics

Asa requested this shirt for school because it's "like Daddy's."

At the doctor.

Wearing his Australian kangaroo shirt from Mimi.

Sweet little profile.

Monday, November 3, 2014

1 month Norah

Norah is already 1 month! It went by way too quickly and, assuming she's our last, it's sad to think I won't have another brand new baby. :(
On a happier note, she's a fantastic baby! She cries when she needs something, she's a good sleeper (and sleeps on her back in the bassinet which Asa never did), she goes right back to sleep when we wake during the night, she's a good eater (though has a tendency to snack), and she loves to snuggle. 
Asa loves his little sister though chooses to never call her 'Norah,' only 'little sister.' He gives her a pacifier when she's crying, will go check on her if we've left her sleeping in another room, and likes to kiss the top of her head. Occasionally, he'll request that I 'put it down' so I can focus on him, but he is 2! 
At her 1 month check up, she weighed a whopping 9 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches. In other words, she's gained almost 2 pounds and has grown over 2 inches!
We love our sweet girl and can't wait to see her grow and develop throughout her first year. :)

Asa requested we take a few with him as well...

Halloween 2014!

A few days before Halloween, Asa had a parade at his school that I got to attend. It was super cute and Asa was an awesome shark!

Here's a short video of the parade: 

On Halloween, Norah donned a witch hat. She's by no means a witch, but she needed a costume!

We took them trick or treating on our street and Asa did great! He learned how to knock on doors. Occasionally, he would say "trick or treat" to a closed door, and we had to remind him that he's supposed to wait until someone opens the door. :)
One neighbor asked Asa what he was to which he responded, "my name is Asa." The best part? No fit when it was time to go home and he's forgotten all about his candy so I'm not having to ration it out each day. I fear that may not be the case next year...