Friday, July 24, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Littleton Museum

We checked out the Littleton Museum with the Stephens girls!

At the Park

Getting two kids to look at the camera is impossible. I gave up after this one.

Crazy Asa

Having fun at a splash pad.

Wearing ridiculous things found in Norah's room.

Showing off the shirt Mimi bought him in Dublin (along with the envelope it came in...)

Seeing Inside Out 3D with Mama!

Bad hair day :)

The Broadmoor

Tony and I enjoyed our first weekend away since little Norah was born. It was much needed and The Broadmoor was such a treat!

Views from our room!

Tony trying to look dignified while eating breakfast in the hotel robe. 

We stopped to smell the roses (after multiple cocktails).

In the meantime, Asa was put to work by Grandma and had a super fun time. Norah, on the other hand, was a challenge. She refused to drink from a bottle and was a fuss bucket for much of the weekend. :( oh well! She's already forgotten!

Norah was 8 months a month ago!