Friday, January 30, 2015

January Pictures

Playing hard (aka making a HUGE mess)

I got gas for under $1.00 using fuel points. This is just as amazing and blog worthy as my beautiful babies- lol.

Blossoming Friendship

Girl Talk with Addie

Norah is letting Addie suck her hand. :)

Holding hands!

Big siblings having a picnic

Big kids holding hands :)

A look back:

They've grown so much! I think this was May 2014...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Rodeo Time

We took the kids to the National Western Stockshow and Rodeo on Saturday. I recommend not taking your kids to the rodeo. 
Selfie with my misbehaving babies 😉

This pretty much sums it up.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My New Babysitter

Is sweet little Asa! He did a great job entertaining Norah while I cooked breakfast. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ice Cream with the Zidlickys

The Zidlickys passed through town on their way to Keystone and we were able to meet up for a quick visit and ice cream. Watching Susan and Tom corral four boys makes my job with two kiddos seem manageable. It's all about perspective.

Afternoon Movie

A few days ago I was looking at the Alamo Drafthouse website trying to remember a time when I could go to a movie. Then, I saw that they have baby days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before 2! You can bring your newborn and enjoy a movie and Asa (and Harper and Riley) just so happen to have school on Wednesdays. It was pretty much meant to be. I immediately texted Jen and we decided to see American Sniper this afternoon with the littles. 
I envisioned Norah sleeping soundly in her car seat and enjoying the show- practically forgetting she was even there. That's not exactly how it went down but Norah and Addie weren't terrible either. They both just decided to eat/drink ridiculous amounts of milk and poop a lot. :) It was kind of distracting having a baby at a movie but it was still nice to get to see one!

Before the movie started. She's thinking "I'm going to make sure you regret this decision Mama." Just look at that disapproving and judgy. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Double Jogger

I scored an inexpensive double jogger off Craigslist yesterday and we've already logged several miles -walking, not jogging (I can imagine confused looks by pretty much anyone who reads this trying to imagine me jogging- lol). The kids seem to like it and I ALWAYS appreciate getting out and about.
Don't they look cute and cozy? ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I don't do New Year resolutions, but at the beginning of the year I did decide that I need to get out more sans kids- both on my own and with Tony. About a week ago I went on and posted a job for last night. I got a lot of responses, narrowed it down, and then Tony and I agreed on one. We paid for the background check, I talked to her on the phone, and bam!, we had ourselves a date night. 
Unfortunately, I picked a night when playoff football was on so while our destination was my "choice," I was advised to pick a place with TVs close to home (so we wouldn't miss much of the game in transit)...
All in all, we enjoyed our night out and Asa had a great time with the babysitter. Little Norah also did a great job and our kids were reportedly easy. ;)
Best of all, both kids were sleeping within half an hour of our return and Norah slept through the night!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The BFFs Meet Again

Norah and Addie having fun while their older siblings played :)

Crazy Asa


Passed out 

Wearing Daddy's boots

"Mama, take my picture!"

Sweet Norah Pics- Dec/Jan

In her bassinet


Being silly with Mama

With older sister Paddy

Tummy time

One of my favorites!


Asa went sledding for the first time last weekend and loved it! Tony and I took turns alternating between going down with Asa and sitting in the warm car with Norah. :)
Oh, a piece of advice: don't tell your kid you're taking them sledding with a plan to pick up a sled at the store on your way to the hill. Sleds are NOT easy to find! Who would have thought given we're in COLORADO?!? We lucked out at store #3. Whew!

Christmas 2014

We had a busy Christmas Day! We woke up early (as usual). I rushed out to the living room ahead of Asa to capture his reaction to Santa bringing him a train table! Sadly, I didn't actually press the record button. However, Asa looked right past the train and was solely focused on finding Hank (our elf on the shelf). As I'm sure you all know, Hank LEFT Christmas Eve night not to return until next year...
We explained this to Asa but he thought we were joking and continued his search while we patiently waited for him to acknowledge his gifts.
He was excited about the train table and Legos but the flashlight and Daniel Tiger figurines were the real hits. He also graciously opened Norah's gifts for her and placed all of them in her lap on the swing. Pretty cute.
After playing a little bit, we hustled to get ourselves ready for a Christmas Day flight to Texas and the dogs ready for Camp Bow Wow!

Once we got to Texas, Norah met her Uncle Michael and Uncle Christopher as well as cousins Molly and Luke. Then, we opened even more presents. In fact, Asa decided at one point that he had had enough and no longer cared to open any more...
Norah met her Memo (my dad's mom) on Friday along with my Uncle Brent and Aunt Andrea. Such a fun time!

Holiday Fun

Practicing posing for Christmas card pictures.

Sweet Santa jammies.

Asa at the Botanic Gardens blossoms of lights.

Asa's school Christmas program. They were supposed to sing carols but Asa just sat there and refused to participate. I've never heard the kid sing which is odd...

Santa visited the kids at school!