Monday, June 11, 2012

First Sick Day

I stayed home with Asa today. He has a stuffy nose and a small cough. He woke up at 5 and seemed ok for the most part but I just couldn't take him to daycare. Look at him- can you really blame me?!? :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Asa is 3 months!

Asa is an amazing baby! He's still sleeping through the night (knock on wood) and is almost always happy when he's awake. He turns his head and follows us when we're walking around the room. He's rolled over twice from tummy to back. He's still vomiting a few times a week and seems to think that's pretty funny- we usually get big smiles afterwards. He even vomited down my shirt the other week which was awesome. I'm beginning to think he's doing it on purpose for his own amusement...
He also continues to be a good eater. I'm one lucky girl!