Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And We're Rolling!

Ok, so technically Norah started rolling from her back to belly a few weeks ago and I'm just late in posting. But tonight she rolled from her back to belly and then belly to back! She's on the move!

PS- I'm taking the kids to TX tomorrow by myself. Send me good wishes and let's hope our travel is uneventful!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why Oh Why?!?

Why does Asa have to poop EVERY time I'm in the bathroom taking a shower?!? It doesn't matter what time of day it is. If I'm showering, he comes in to poop. I then have to hop out soaking wet to dump it in the big toilet and wipe his butt. This little routine does not make for a relaxing shower.
That's all. I just needed to rant...and remind myself to yell at him when he's twenty.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2 Years

I lost my daddy two years ago today. It feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time. 

During our last conversation he was sad because he was "going to miss so much." He was right. I'm sad for him and for myself but I'm even sadder for Asa and Norah. They're missing out on having an amazing Pok Pok who would love them both so much. He was so proud of Asa and I can almost hear him laughing when I imagine telling him about the crazy, sweet, affectionate, and energetic toddler he has become. And Norah. Daddy would love how easygoing she is and her sweet smile. They deserve to know and love him and it is so unfair that they will grow up without him. 

I'll just continue to tell them stories and show them pictures and hope that they feel a connection to him on some level.  ...I suppose I can also continue to drink his share of lattes (in addition to mine of course), have an occasional Corona, support TX musicians, always adopt shelter pets, and dress Norah in outfits with pink flamingos plastered on them. All of these things will make me smile because they would make him smile. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Crazy, Beautiful Weather

It's February but our weather has been spring-like and gorgeous. We've taken advantage of it by going on long walks and playing at parks. A little snow is expected tomorrow followed by more 60+ degree weather Thursday through the weekend!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Norah is 4 Months!

On February 2nd, Norah turned 4 months old! Time is really flying by and I'd love to hit the pause button for a while. As a second time Mama, I feel like I've been more relaxed and have truly enjoyed the infant stage since I'm not trying to adjust to motherhood at the same time. 

She's a pretty laid back baby with two exceptions. One- she's very particular about her milk- breastmilk straight from the source. Not a fan of bottles and refuses formula. Two- she will have a massive meltdown if she's denied adequate down time (time at home without a lot of noise and distractions so she can rest and get a good, uninterrupted nap in) during the day. 

My favorite thing about Norah is her sweet smile. She smiles with her whole face and it's beautiful. She gives smiles away often and to pretty much anyone who smiles at her first. She's made many strangers feel pretty special. :)

Her 4 month check up was Feb 4th and all is well! This was the first time her doctor has seen her birthmark. It's a strawberry hemangioma which is what we figured and no cause for concern. As she gets older, it will likely go away. Ten percent by age 1, 20% by 2, 30% by 3, etc. It will likely be around a while and as long as it doesn't grow to her eyelid or impede her vision, we'll let it be. Developmentally, she's hitting all the milestones and she's very average as far as her physical measurements go!
Height- 24 1/4" (50%)
Weight- 13#12oz (55%)
HC- 16 1/8" (50%)