Thursday, May 28, 2015

Memorial Day Weekeend

We had an awesome Memorial Day weekend renting a cabin on a private lake just outside Grand Lake, CO. When we made the reservation we envisioned a weekend of sun lounging on the little beach in our swimsuits. In reality, we saw rain, hail, snow, and just tiny pockets of sun. Regardless, it was a good time!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Definition of Friend

A friend is someone who doesn't make you feel bad for forgetting to feed your kid. Ha ha ha.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hard to be Three

We had a new dryer delivered today and Asa was soooo excited....until he saw it. He immediately started crying. Why? Because the door is square, not circular like our old dryer. It's hard to be three.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day. Most of it was spent in jammies. I only got dressed so we could go get frozen yogurt!

I got this gem from Asa:

This is what we woke up to. Perfect for cuddling and attempting to watch a movie as a family:

I left a not so subtle hint on the counter Sat night:

It worked! 

Sweet kids pretending to go to Target to "run errands." Norah drove.

And here's an older pic of me and my mom in honor of Mother's Day taken the day before my wedding. One of my favorites!

Bunny Glasses

Asa quote: "I'm wearing bunny glasses. They keep my eyes healthy."

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Type A Kid

I think I might have a type A personality on my hands. One of my previous posts talked about how we make deals with Asa to get him to do things without drama or arguments (ie if you take your diaper off, put underwear on, and brush your teeth, you can watch a cartoon). Well, he's taken it a step further and likes to give us progress reports through the use of a mental checklist. 
"Take off diaper. Check."
"Put on underwear. Check."
"Brush my teeth. Check."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Uninterrupted Sleep

I got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night. It's been about a year (I was waking to pee at the end of my pregnancy) and it was every bit as glorious as I remember! Thanks Norah!

Monday, May 4, 2015


So we gave Asa a scooter for his 2nd birthday (he's 3 now) so I figured it was time I took him outside the house to ride it. He did pretty well but we only made it a quarter of the way around the 1.4 mile loop before we had to turn around and walk back. Well, Asa walked back. I pushed Norah in the stroller and carried the scooter- ha!

7 months!

I cannot believe my baby girl is seven months! It sounds so much older than six months. ;)
Norah is beautiful, sweet and funny. She loves sitting in her car and honking the horn while bouncing up and down and squealing with joy. She adores Asa and follows his every move. If he stops to talk or play with her, she gives him a huge smile. She's doing great with solids and has enjoyed almost everything she's been given. I fear we're on the verge of an "I only want Mama" phase. If anyone else has her, she makes sure to maintain eye contact with me at all times...
I'm happy to report that for the past several weeks she has slept in her own room. She's still in her bassinet (she hasn't really been impressed with the crib) and still up once or twice a night to eat but I feel like it's getting better.
I really just think this is a great age and we're having lots of fun learning new things every day!